Researchers at the University of Reading in England have developed a robot that runs solely on rat brains. Primarily, the scientists hope their work will help neuro researchers in their quest to understand, identify and combat certain types of degenerative brain diseases and damage. On a creepy/cool note: be sure to check out the footage of the rat robot navigating a maze with predictable rat behavior.

“Next thing you know rat robots will be making ads… now that’s progress.”

by Dwayne Fry Brand Futurist The Republik Commander Strategic Ops

Photo Credit: via


Faster-than-light travel might be possible, according to scientists at Baylor University. Although the implementation is a long ways away, the idea involves manipulating dark energy — the mysterious force behind the universe’s ongoing expansion — to propel a spaceship forward without breaking the laws of physics (and the hearts of Einstein fans everywhere).

Read more here.

“That’s great. You think the Baylor scientists can figure out how to make my work commute quicker?”

by David Smith The Republik

Photo Credit:



Think it’s a new term? Think again.

More than a century ago, Victorian engineer Alexander Stanhope St. George devised plans for an enormous telescope, called the Telectroscope, that would allow visitors to see from one side of the world to the other through an immense underground tunnel. In May of this year, St. George’s vision became a reality thanks to his great-grandson, a British artist who stumbled upon his late relative’s plans and created what’s essentially a piece of public art visually connecting people in London and New York together in real time through cables simulating an underground peek through the Atlantic.

“Are you more impressed with the guy who faced ridicule for thinking so far ahead of his time or the one who executed it nearly a century later? Makes you wonder how many of today’s ideas that are met with resistance will become a reality in a hundred year’s time.”

by Mike Randall Brand Futurist The Republik Captain Strategic Ops

Photo Credit: Matthew Andrews | Artichoke


LED light bulbs that look like regular light bulbs, screw into regular light bulb sockets and last a gazillion times longer. Sound too good to be true? It’s true. But it’s gonna cost ya.

“Regular light bulbs last up to 3,000 hours. This new LED light bulb lasts about 50,000. Who do I write the check out to?”

by Mike Randall Brand Futurist The Republik Captain Strategic Ops


Odds of death due to riding an elephant are higher than you think (and other surprising killjoy stats).

“Seriously, I don’t own an utilitarian animal, so these odds are not my odds. A fourth column needs to be added to include the percentage of people who actually own these animals and/or vehicles listed. In my opinion: Waste of taxpayer money.”

by Robert Shaw West Brand Futurist The Republik Companies Chairman/CEO