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Researchers at the University of Reading in England have developed a robot that runs solely on rat brains. Primarily, the scientists hope their work will help neuro researchers in their quest to understand, identify and combat certain types of degenerative brain diseases and damage. On a creepy/cool note: be sure to check out the footage of the rat robot navigating a maze with predictable rat behavior.

“Next thing you know rat robots will be making ads… now that’s progress.”

by Dwayne Fry Brand Futurist The Republik Commander Strategic Ops

Photo Credit: via


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  1. Allis,

    Hi, my name is Allis and I am from the other side. I used to be a beautiful yellow dog in another life and I loved to sing for Dwayne Fry. One of my favorite songs was “wanna get lucky?” but that is another story.
    Ah, my thoughts on animal intellegence and robots and such? We animals have always know we are higher life forms than you silly humans. Go ahead and keep ruining the planet and we’ll see who stands last.
    And by the way, we animals are just pretending to be predictible. It seems tomake you humans happy that way.